Entries by Patrick Miller


wedding photographer Thumbtack has allowed me to increase business and make connections. It also allows me to also fill empty days on my schedule. I am still in contact with some of my clients from Thumbtack. Patrick Miller Jr Photography patrickmillerjrphotography.com pcmgallery@gmail.com

The Capital Rotunda

I took this picture quite a while ago thanks to the former Sergeant of Arms Bill Livingood.  I had to lay down with my large format on the floor to be able to get the full dome.  Currently they are renovating the Capital Dome for the next couple of years.  Sadly, they will no longer […]

Washington Mall with Capital

Starting a new fun project.  Took a whole series of pictures down in D.C today from the Washington Monument looking towards the US Capital building.  There seems to be an event for a Chinese Festival of some sort setting up.  It should add an interesting look to the photo of the capital.  I still have […]